I have trouble watching the Republicans..
I have trouble watching the Republicans running down Obama. They never discuss the issues: the national debt, the financial crisis, the falling dollar, the decreasing incomes and increasing costs of living for most Americans, our overextended military. Instead, they talk about Obama's lack of experience, ignoring how he exceeds his jaded opponents in wisdom, compassion and insight.
Because young people, middle-aged and old people have responded to his decency and integrity in such great numbers, they deride him as a rock star and trivialize him with comparisons to Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton. Because he talks about the dignity of work, respect for one's opponents and encourages us to believe in ourselves and each other, because he encourages us to shrug off apathy and to hope, they accuse him of having a messiah complex and make jokes about him walking on water.
It is clear that Obama's Republican detractors have no idea how many of us are longing for a change from the deep cynicism, hypocrisy and mean-spiritedness that has characterized this administration and the Republican Congress that has given it unwavering support.
It is clear they have no idea how concerned so many of us are about how the Bush Administration has been so reckless and incompetent in its use of military power and how careless it has been in its stewardship of our economy.
There are substantial issues at the heart of the Obama campaign; his willingness to address these issues has led so many of us to recognize him as a leader.
It is not surprising that the GOP standard bearers are so intent on ignoring them, misrepresenting them, even lying about them.
It is not surprising that they choose instead to ridicule this unexpected leader who has surprised us all with his clear vision and his authoritative (because it is authentic) demeanor.
It is not surprising that they do this. But I have trouble watching them. Because they're really making fun of me. They are making fun of you and me. They are ridiculing us.
Thanks for your comment, Mary.